Where does this store ship from?
BU ships from NY, New York. Harlem to be exact.
What is this store's return and exchange policy?
We offer exchanges in the form of store credit. If you need a different size or a new item, simply return the original product, and once we receive it, we’ll issue you store credit for the purchase amount. You can then use your store credit to place a new order for the correct size or anything else you love from our website.
Please note: Items must be returned in their original condition, unworn and unwashed, within 10 days of delivery. Shipping costs for returns are the responsibility of the customer.
For more details or to start an exchange, please email us if you have any issues, info@blacknugly.com
No refunds.
Do you accept orders placed outside of the USA?
Yes. We ship worldwide.
Do you carry larger sizes?
Yes, please email us to place a custom order info@blacknugly.com
How long will it take to receive my order?
It may take up to 1-14 business days to the order to ship out, depending on inventory. Once shipped most domestic orders take anywhere from 2 to 7 business days to arrive depending on the efficiency of your local postal service. International shipping delivery times may vary between 2 and 3 weeks.
How do I pay for my order? Is it secure?
BU's checkout process uses PayPal, one of the most trusted online payment solutions on the web. Because of this, BU has all the same securities and payment fraud protection as PayPal.com. Before entering any personal credit card information, you will be transferred to secure servers. PayPal accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express and Diners Club. You may also make payments using your bank account, but this may delay your order.
What if something is wrong with my order?
If you have a problem with an order from this store, please contact the store directly, email: info@blacknugly.com